Join the World’s Largest Network of Forensic Nurses
Become a Member of the Global Forensic Nursing Leader
We welcome registered nurses, nursing students, medical professionals, multidisciplinary team colleagues and other allies as members.
You are already part of the movement to ensure all patients experiencing violence receive healthcare.
Maximize the unlimited potential to deepen your knowledge, build your network, influence policy and help shape the future of forensic nursing as a member of IAFN.
When you join the world’s largest organization of forensic nurses, you get:
- Members-only access to 6,000 fellow forensic nursing colleagues available to provide mentorship and answer the tough questions
- Up to $325 in member discounts on our gold-standard online courses, like forensic nursing’s first comprehensive Child Physical Abuse Course, the Intimate Partner Violence Nurse Examiner Certificate Course, SANE courses and more
- $181 value in an online subscription to Journal of Forensic Nursing
- $150 savings on SANE-A® and SANE-P® certification exams and certification renewals
- $129 savings on our annual conference registration - That's your membership fee paying for itself!

You also get:
- Dozens of FREE courses of evidence-based continuing education with CE
- 15 forensic nurse experts on staff who provide consultation and training
- Members-only gatherings to meet with forensic nursing leaders
- Unlimited Q&A and discussion on our members-only online community
- Members-only job board
- Annual members-only Advocacy Day in Washington, DC, including training by former Congressional legislative aides

You also get:
- Dozens of FREE courses of evidence-based continuing education with CE
- 15 forensic nurse experts on staff who provide consultation and training
- Members-only gatherings to meet with forensic nursing leaders
- Unlimited Q&A and discussion on our members-only online community
- Members-only job board
- Annual members-only Advocacy Day in Washington, DC, including training by former Congressional legislative aides
Membership Options
Registered Nurses
- 1-year: $129
- 3-year: $339
- 5-year: $550
- Lifetime: $1,600
- Add-ons:
Chapter Membership
+ $30/year -
Print Journal of Forensic Nursing
+ $29/year
Associate Members
- 1-year: $115
- 3-year: $302
- 5-year: $490
- Lifetime: $1,600
- Add-ons:
- Chapter Membership + $25/year
Print Journal of Forensic Nursing
+ $29/year
Student Members
- 1-year: $76
- Add-ons:
- Chapter Membership + $25/year
Print Journal of Forensic Nursing
+ $29/year
Visit this page with student-specific tips from current IAFN members.
Student members are currently enrolled in a primary nursing program and have never held a professional nursing license. Student members may not vote or hold office in the organization.
Retired Members
- 1-year: $66
- Add-ons:
- Chapter Membership + $25/year
Print Journal of Forensic Nursing
+ $29/year
Must be at least 65 years of age and have maintained an active membership status with Association for a minimum of five consecutive years.
Boasting the highest number of forensic nursing experts on staff that you can find!
Anyone can access our forensic nursing staff with expertise in:
- Academic nursing program development
- Child advocacy
- Child maltreatment
- Clinical skills
- Customized protocols
- Death investigation
- Expert witness testimony
- Forensic nursing standards
- Global needs & resource
- Health equity & justice
- Health policy
- Human trafficking
- Intimate partner violence
- Medical forensic exam payment
- Non-fatal strangulation
- Native American & tribal communities
- Nursing education
- Program policy & procedures
- Research
- SANE-A & SANE-P certifications
- Sexual assault response teams
- Trauma-informed care
- Victim Advocacy
$20.00 of each member’s dues are applied to an online Journal of Forensic Nursing subscription.
Membership and Certification purchases are non-refundable and non-transferable. Other cancellations and changes may be subject to administrative fees. Visit this page for IAFN’s full Return and Refund Policies.
Dues or other payments to IAFN are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes; however, they may be deductible as ordinary and necessary business expenses subject to certain restrictions related to any association lobbying. IAFN estimates that 20.55% of member dues are attributable to the lobbying activities of this organization. Please consult your tax advisor. This rate is subject to change on a yearly basis.
Note: Before joining the Association, we ask all potential members to read and agree to the terms of the Vision of Ethical Practice. Click here to review.